
There are some things that are not so convenient after using Linux, and printers should be one of them. However, for Manjaro, it’s not so bad, CUPS works pretty well, at least I haven’t encountered any major pitfalls in my work, so here’s how to install and use CUPS.


You can use pacman to install directly: CUPS (Common Unix Printing System).

pacman -Sy cups

Then don’t forget that you need to run cups-browsed.service manually:

systemctl start cups-browsed.service

In fact, you can use it directly at this point, but if you can’t find your printer automatically, you may need to set it up yourself.

Setting up the printer

Open the web page http://localhost:631, then select “Administration” -> “Add Printer”, then here you need to enter the user name password, which is your system user password, that is, your usual login to use the user name password.

Then you log on, and after you come up, you can select your own printer according to its actual situation.

Figure 1: CUPS configuration diagram

Print to pdf

If you don’t want to print with a printer and want to save it as a pdf, CUPS can do that for you, too, so you save yourself the trouble of installing other tools, first you need to install cups-pdf.

pacman -S cups-pdf

and then it will be ready to use.

Problem solutions

[root@liqiang.io]# sudo systemctl start cups-browsed.service
[root@liqiang.io]# sudo systemctl enable cups-browsed.service
